The ADD operation

The Add operation allows a client to request the addition of an entry into the LDAP directory. The Add operation is used only for new entries, that is the dn must reference a non-existent object, but the parent objects must exist. For example if you try to add an entry with dn cn=user1,ou=users,o=company the company and users containers must already be present in the directory but the user1 object must not exist.

To perform an Add operation you must specify the dn of the new entry and a list of attributes to add.

In the ldap3 library the signature for the Add operation is:

def add(self,
  • dn: distinguish name of the object to add
  • object_class: class name of the attribute to add, can be a string containing a single value or a list of strings
  • attributes: a dictionary in the form {‘attr1’: ‘val1’, ‘attr2’: ‘val2’, …} or {‘attr1’: [‘val1’, ‘val2’, …], …} for multivalued attributes
  • controls: additional controls to send with the request

For synchronous strategies the add method returns True if the operation was successful, returns False in case of errors. In this case you can inspect the result attribute of the connection object to get the error description.

For asynchronous strategies the add method returns the message id of the operation. You can get the operation result with the get_response(message_id) method of the connection object. If you use the get_request=True parameter you get the request dictionary back.

The object_class parameter is a shortcut for specify a sequence of object classes. You can specify the object classes in the attributes parameter too.

If you try to add an attribute with an empty value or a multi-valued attributes with all empty values, the attribte won’t be created, because the LDAP protocol doens’t support NULL values.

You perform an Add operation as in the following example (using the default synchronous strategy):

# import class and constants
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL

# define the server
s = Server('servername', get_info=ALL)  # define an unsecure LDAP server, requesting info on DSE and schema

# define the connection
c = Connection(s, user='user_dn', password='user_password')

# perform the Add operation
c.add('cn=user1,ou=users,o=company', ['inetOrgPerson', 'posixGroup', 'top'], {'sn': 'user_sn', 'gidNumber': 0})
# equivalent to
c.add('cn=user1,ou=users,o=company', attributes={'objectClass':  ['inetOrgPerson', 'posixGroup', 'top'], 'sn': 'user_sn', gidNumber: 0})


# close the connection


Obviously you must follow all the rules and restrictions specified in the LDAP server schema. Furthermore you cannot specify any operational attributes or any attribute defined with the NO-USER-MODIFICATION flag in the schema, or the operation will fail.

Extended logging

To get an idea of what’s happening when you perform an Add operation this is the extended log from a session to an OpenLdap server from a Windows client with dual stack IP:

# Initialization:

INFO:ldap3:ldap3 library initialized - logging emitted with loglevel set to DEBUG - available detail levels are: OFF, ERROR, BASIC, PROTOCOL, NETWORK, EXTENDED
DEBUG:ldap3:ERROR:detail level set to EXTENDED
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:instantiated Server: <Server(host='openldap', port=389, use_ssl=False, get_info='NO_INFO')>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:instantiated Usage object
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:instantiated <SyncStrategy>: <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - closed - <no socket> - tls not started - not listening - No strategy - async - real DSA - not pooled - cannot stream output>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:instantiated Connection: <Connection(server=Server(host='openldap', port=389, use_ssl=False, get_info='NO_INFO'), user='cn=admin,o=test', password='<stripped 8 characters of sensitive data>', auto_bind='NONE', version=3, authentication='SIMPLE', client_strategy='SYNC', auto_referrals=True, check_names=True, collect_usage=True, read_only=False, lazy=False, raise_exceptions=False)>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:opening connection for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - closed - <no socket> - tls not started - not listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:reset usage metrics
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:start collecting usage metrics
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:address for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext> resolved as <[<AddressFamily.AF_INET6: 23>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('fe80::215:5dff:fe8f:2f0d%20', 389, 0, 20)]>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:address for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext> resolved as <[<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 389)]>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:obtained candidate address for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext>: <[<AddressFamily.AF_INET6: 23>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('fe80::215:5dff:fe8f:2f0d%20', 389, 0, 20)]> with mode IP_V6_PREFERRED
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:obtained candidate address for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext>: <[<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 389)]> with mode IP_V6_PREFERRED

# Opening the connection (trying IPv6 then IPv4):

DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:try to open candidate address [<AddressFamily.AF_INET6: 23>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('fe80::215:5dff:fe8f:2f0d%20', 389, 0, 20)]
DEBUG:ldap3:ERROR:<socket connection error: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.> for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - closed - <local: [::]:50396 - remote: [None]:None> - tls not started - not listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:try to open candidate address [<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 389)]
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:connection open for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:refreshing server info for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>

# Authenticating to the LDAP server with the Simple Bind method:

DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:start BIND operation via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:performing simple BIND for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:simple BIND request <{'authentication': {'simple': '<stripped 8 characters of sensitive data>', 'sasl': None}, 'name': 'cn=admin,o=test', 'version': 3}> sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:new message id <1> generated
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sending 1 ldap message for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:EXTENDED:ldap message sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>:
>> messageID=1
>> protocolOp=ProtocolOp:
>>  bindRequest=BindRequest:
>>   version=3
>>   name=b'cn=admin,o=test'
>>   authentication=AuthenticationChoice:
>>    simple=b'<stripped 8 characters of sensitive data>'
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sent 37 bytes via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:received 14 bytes via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:received 1 ldap messages via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:EXTENDED:ldap message received via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>:
<< messageID=1
<< protocolOp=ProtocolOp:
<<  bindResponse=BindResponse:
<<   resultCode='success'
<<   matchedDN=b''
<<   diagnosticMessage=b''
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:BIND response <{'referrals': None, 'type': 'bindResponse', 'result': 0, 'message': '', 'dn': '', 'saslCreds': None, 'description': 'success'}> received via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - unbound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:refreshing server info for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:done BIND operation, result <True>

# Performing the Add operation:

DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:start ADD operation via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:ADD request <{'entry': 'cn=user1,o=test', 'attributes': {'gidNumber': ['0'], 'sn': ['user_sn'], 'objectClass': ['inetOrgPerson', 'posixGroup', 'top']}}> sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:new message id <2> generated
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sending 1 ldap message for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:EXTENDED:ldap message sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>:
>> messageID=2
>> protocolOp=ProtocolOp:
>>  addRequest=AddRequest:
>>   entry=b'cn=user1,o=test'
>>   attributes=AttributeList:
>>    Attribute:
>>     type=b'gidNumber'
>>     vals=ValsAtLeast1:
>>      b'0'
>>    Attribute:
>>     type=b'sn'
>>     vals=ValsAtLeast1:
>>      b'user_sn'
>>    Attribute:
>>     type=b'objectClass'
>>     vals=ValsAtLeast1:
>>      b'inetOrgPerson'      b'posixGroup'      b'top'
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sent 110 bytes via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:received 14 bytes via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:received 1 ldap messages via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:EXTENDED:ldap message received via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>:
<< messageID=2
<< protocolOp=ProtocolOp:
<<  addResponse=AddResponse:
<<   resultCode='entryAlreadyExists'
<<   matchedDN=b''
<<   diagnosticMessage=b''
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:ADD response <[{'referrals': None, 'type': 'addResponse', 'result': 68, 'message': '', 'dn': '', 'description': 'entryAlreadyExists'}]> received via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:done ADD operation, result <False>

# Closing the connnection (via the Unbind operation):

DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:start UNBIND operation via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:UNBIND request sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:PROTOCOL:new message id <3> generated
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sending 1 ldap message for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:EXTENDED:ldap message sent via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>:
>> messageID=3
>> protocolOp=ProtocolOp:
>>  unbindRequest=b''
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:sent 7 bytes via <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:closing connection for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - open - <local: - remote:> - tls not started - listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:NETWORK:connection closed for <ldap://openldap:389 - cleartext - user: cn=admin,o=test - bound - closed - <no socket> - tls not started - not listening - SyncStrategy>
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:stop collecting usage metrics
DEBUG:ldap3:BASIC:done UNBIND operation, result <True>

These are the usage metrics of this session:

Connection Usage:
  Time: [elapsed:        0:00:01.043802]
    Initial start time:  2015-06-05T23:38:29.505383
    Open socket time:    2015-06-05T23:38:29.505383
    Close socket time:   2015-06-05T23:38:30.549185
    Servers from pool:   0
    Sockets open:        1
    Sockets closed:      1
    Sockets wrapped:     0
  Bytes:                 182
    Transmitted:         154
    Received:            28
  Messages:              5
    Transmitted:         3
    Received:            2
  Operations:            3
    Abandon:             0
    Bind:                1
    Add:                 1
    Compare:             0
    Delete:              0
    Extended:            0
    Modify:              0
    ModifyDn:            0
    Search:              0
    Unbind:              1
    Received:            0
    Followed:            0
  Restartable tries:     0
    Failed restarts:     0
    Successful restarts: 0